Obtaining CPD certificates from the SAIA eportal:
If you have received the automated email with the link to your certificate please note that the download link on the email is only valid for a few hours so if you do not download it shortly after receiving the email, you will need to login to the ePortal to download it from there instead, and that link is on the email called "order details" which will take you to the download page after logging in
The following guide explains the step-by-step process of accessing and downloading a CPD Certificate once it has been generated and sent via the SAIA ePortal email system to the course attendees:
- You need to login to the Portal using the email address that you used to register for the CPD activity.
- To login to the Portal, you need to browse to https://eportal.saia.org.za and click on the “Login” link on the top right corner of the browser.
- If it’s the first time you are accessing the Portal, you need to click on the “Forgot password?” link to reset the default password created by the Portal.
- You will then be requested to type in your email address, which must be the same as the email address you used to register for the CPD event.
- After clicking on the “Recover” button, an email will be sent to you with a link to reset the default password.
- By clicking on the reset password link on the email, you need to select a strong password of your choice. You can then select and confirm a password and click on the “Recover” button. This will reset the password.
- You must then return to the “Login” screen and enter the newly created credentials to login to the ePortal.
- If you have previously reset the default password, then you simply enter the email address and password to login to the Portal.
- Once logged on, you must click on the “My Account” menu on the “black bar” underneath the SAIA logo on the ePortal to see a list of orders which you can browse to download the CPD Certificates.
- To logoff the Portal, you click on the “Log Out” link on the top right corner of the Portal.